SpeakerTravel Documentation


SpeakerTravel can run multiple reports related to an event. For example, you can summarize travel cost vs. budget, and when travellers will be on the road.

Each report can also be exported, for further slicing & dicing in tools like Microsoft Excel.

On this page:

Financial Summary

The financial summary report helps summarize budget vs. spend for all event travellers.

Report event travellers financial summary

Custom Fields Values

When custom fields are configured for an event, this report displays the entries your travellers and passengers made for those cusotm fields. This report will help to view and export additional data your travellers may have entered.

Custom fields values

Travel Times Summary

The travel times summary report helps answer the question when travellers are departing and arriving. This report may be helpful for managing related bookings, such as ground transportation, hotel rooms, and more.

Report event travel times summary