Super-simple conference speaker travel booking.

Invite speakers and let them manage their own flights and trains with SpeakerTravel. Easy, within budget, and hassle-free.

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Super-simple conference speaker travel booking.

Effortlessly book flights and trains for your conference speakers!

SpeakerTravel takes care of the travel logistics for your event.

1. Invite your travellers

Set a budget and start inviting your travellers.

Invite traveller to your event

2. Let them choose flights or trains

Your speakers find their favourite travel options.

Traveller uses self-service tool to make a flight selection

3. Approve their trip

They get their tickets right away.

Organizer approves trip and automatically issues flight tickets

Trusted by conferences all over the world.

DDD Europe
NDC Conferences
Strange Loop
Azure Lowlands

Save time booking flights and trains for your event's travellers.

Make your conference stand out

Not only will your job as a conference organizer become easier...
Your speakers will love that they can select their preferred travel options!

Simplify your conference speaker flight and train booking.

Super-simple conference speaker travel booking.

What's that Caribou about?

Caribou are animals. Quite impressive animals, actually. They travel in herds and migrate the farthest of any terrestrial mammal. So, Caribou is an appropriate name for our application that helps groups of travellers gather across the globe!